Sunday, June 3, 2012

Purify and Simplify ? Cindy by the Sea

?And, do this understanding the present time: The hour has already come for you to wake up from your slumber, because our salvation is nearer now than when we first believed. The night is nearly over, the day is almost here. So let us put aside the deeds of darkness and put on the armor of light. Let us behave decently as in the day time, not in carousing and drunkenness, not in sexual immorality and debauchery, not in dissension and jealousy. Rather, clothe yourself with the Lord Jesus Christ, and do no think about how to gratify the desires of the flesh?.? Romans 13:11-14.

Yes, clothe yourself with the Lord Jesus Christ. I cannot think of any better words for these last days we?re living in than this.? In a continuation of my last post, the Lord has put it on my heart to emphasize the absolute necessity of being spiritually prepared for what lies ahead.? The first of which, of course, is being born of the Spirit. There is no way,?we can be spiritually prepared unless, we?have first been born again.

Secondly, there is no way?we can be prepared, if?we continue to let the distractions of this present life control?us. Therefore, my advice?regarding this?is to?purify and simplify??our lives, wherever possible.? For God will not compete against these things in?order to be heard.

Think about it? Do we really need 150 television stations at our disposal? Do we really need the latest gadgets, so, that we can be plugged into entertainment?and social networking 24/7?? I?m not advocating a return to the horse and buggy, but, what I am advocating is a reduction in?any kind of distraction (technological, or?otherwise) that prevents us from hearing God?s?voice and hinders us from having a strong, powerful and effective walk with him.

Let me ask you this.

Do you have meals together with your family away from the television set, where everyone gathers together, first asking God?s blessing over the food?? If not, I suggest you break that former bad?habit and start a new good one.?Your family and your marriage will be strengthened immeasurably by this simple step. After dinner, take a walk, go?out and play with the kids, get to know your neighbors.? Read scripture and other books of fine?character together as a family. Go back to playing board games,?limit the use of?addictive?and, non-healthy video games. ?Pray together and play together. Find healthy activities that take you away from the television set, videos and video games. Your children, (and, society) will thank you, for I guarantee, what your children want more than anything from you, is your attention.

Choose weekend projects, where, you can be in service to others. Feed the homeless, help a neighbor, visit a convalescent home.? I guarantee, you will be blessed by the Lord as well as?building character in your children that will last a life time.? As you know, until the Lord returns, our children are faced with?a most violent and vile?world. How are we helping them prepare???Are we teaching them to feed an addiction or we teaching them to have faith in Christ and to live in service to Him??It is imperative that we, as parents and grandparents lead by example in our faith and commitment to Jesus Christ, if we expect to have any impact on our?children and our world. It?s not enough?that we?occasionally do these things, they must visibly and, consistently be the foundation for our lives. The meat and potatoes on our plate, and not, just the garnish.

For as it says in Galatians 5:25 -

If we live by the Spirit, let us also, walk by the Spirit?.

Yes, brothers and sisters, it?has never been more important than now?to?purify?and simplify our lives?before?God. ?The times are such that we cannot afford to be distracted from hearing?his voice. We need to be ready in full armor and in a constant Spirit of prayer for whatever God brings our way each day.?May God, therefore, help us to know?what changes need to be?made and may?he give us the strength we need, for making them.

And, as always,

?Pray for the peace of Jerusalem, the shall prosper, who love thee? Psalm 122:6? Watching and waiting with YOU for the soon return of Jesus!? Cindy

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