Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Thread: Hardwood and finish question - Family Woodworking

I need some guidance here please.

The inlay i made to my bench is bloodwood. In my limited experience this wood is so hard it fits into that category of hardwoods like Jatoba where the density is so tight it makes for real fine dust when cutting and the wood is what i would almost describe as brittle. Cracks very quickly.

So i thought to copy some of you who have treated your workbench in blo and mineral spirits.

Anyhow mixed a 50/50 mix thinking that the thin liquid would quickly penetrate the whole top of my bench and that would be that.

Well yes except for the bloodwood. It probably has "penetrated some but it also seems to just have settled on the top and made a shiny film over the bloodwood as if i had sealed it with a varnish.

Now given this is a work surface thats not going to stay there long in fact i will remove it when its dry. But it did bring up the whole issue to me of understanding how woods like Bloodwood get finished or what treatment to use for finishing this kind of super dense wood.

When i cut this wood on my bandsaw and later on the router the powder it creates is like no other wood. Obviously worse because its red so you see it easier but wow its a very different kind of sawdust. It really is dust rather than tiny woodchip.

So how would you have treated this flat sawn piece of bloodwood to get it to absorb any finish.?

By comparison i have walnut and oak and ash all on the same bench and none had any issue with the blo/mineral spirit mix. They have all absorbed it well and darkened nicely.

Source: http://familywoodworking.org/forums/showthread.php?28097-Hardwood-and-finish-question

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Getting travel insurance for your motorcycle tour - InsureMyTrip Blog

August brings the annual Sturgis Motorcycle Rally, an event which has been attracting tourism to the Black Hills of South Dakota as hordes of bike enthusiasts descend upon the location for a week of fun and festivities.? As famous as Sturgis has become, it?s not the only convergence of travel and tourism with motorcycles; our call center is accustomed to hearing from motorcycle fans who are planning to see the world from the seats of their bikes.? Travel insurance for motorcycle tours is certainly available, but as with any travel insurance purchase, it?s important to do some homework before you make a decision about which type of coverage will be best for you.

If you?re planning a motorcycle tour, whether in the continental U.S. or abroad, you may be chiefly concerned about three things: Cancellation of your trip (and the subsequent loss of any pre-paid, norefundable expenses you might have racked up securing the tour); injury; and damage or loss of property.? Travel insurance can address some, but not all of those concerns, and coverage for you will vary depending on your individual circumstances, the specifics of your trip, and the travel insurance plan and provider you ultimately choose.? Also, keep in mind that, as with many other sports and activities, if you?re engaged in a motorcycle activity as a professional, travel insurance will most likely not be available for that portion of your trip.

Cancellation of your tour. A travel insurance package policy works the same way for cyclists as it does for the average traveler.? If you have to back out of your planned trip for a covered reason ? such as unexpected illness or injury before you depart ? most package policies will likely reimburse you for your pre-paid, nonrefundable expenses.? That means any deposits you?ve paid for airfare, to secure your spot in a tour group,? to reserve lodgings, or to participate in any special activities that require advance reservations and payment should be covered by your travel insurance policy. If your tour is cancelled by the operator, while they will likely be responsible for returning any money you?ve provided to them for the experience, a package policy should also assist you by reimbursing you for any other nonrefundable expenses you?ve incurred for additional trip preparations.

Injury. Motorcycle riding is not considered by most travel insurance providers to be an especially hazardous activity, no matter what your mom might say.? If you have purchased a travel insurance package policy to cover your trip, it will most often include coverage for any injuries you might suffer as a result of your motorcycle tour.? We know it?s unlikely that you?ll get hurt ? but isn?t it nice to know that you can purchase a travel insurance plan that will cover you if you do?

Loss or damage to property. If your motorcycle is damaged while you?re on the road,? it?s not likely that a travel insurance policy will cover the damages.? That?s generally the responsibility of the company that insures your motorcycle on a regular basis.? However, we would recommend getting in touch with that insurance company to make sure that your bike will be covered as you expect no matter where you are in the world.

Sports and Hazardous Activity Riders. If you?re purchasing a travel medical plan, rather than a standard package policy, you should definitely ask a Customer Care representative about adding a sports rider to your insurance purchase.? Travel Medical insurance sometimes works slightly differently from package policies, and it?s common for companies providing travel medical plans to require that a special rider be purchased to insure you against any possible injuries you might sustain while on your trip.

Taking your motorcycle on vacation with you may sound like the perfect way to relax and see the world, but it?s a good idea to be prepared.? Before you make a travel insurance purchase, we recommend that you call our Customer Care Center at 800-487-4722 and speak to a licensed representative who can make sure that you get all the important travel insurance benefits you and your bike may need.


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Source: http://www.insuremytrip.com/blog/2012/07/30/getting-travel-insurance-for-your-motorcycle-tour.html

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Author: rydolph fells

What is Viral Marketing?
The buzzword, viral marketing, refers to marketing techniques that use social networks to produce increases in brand awareness or to achieve other marketing objectives through self-replicating viral processes, analogous to the spread of pathological and computer viruses. It can be word-of-mouth delivered or enhanced by the network effects of the Internet. Viral promotions may take the form of video clips, interactive Flash games, advergames, ebooks, brandable software, images, or even text messages. The goal of marketers interested in creating successful viral marketing programs is to identify individuals with high Social Networking Potential (SNP) and create Viral Messages that appeal to this segment of the population and have a high probability of being passed along.

The term ?viral marketing? has also been used pejoratively to refer to stealth marketing campaigns-the unscrupulous use of astroturfing on-line combined with undermarket advertising in shopping centers to create the impression of spontaneous word of mouth enthusiasm. ? Wikipedia

So how do we use this?

One of the great social aspects of the internet are the popularity of Social Networking sites, such as LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter. All of which focus on the primary goal of staying in touch with friends, family and colleagues, as well as the sharing of information.

One of the benefits of these sites is the ease of automated replication of your listings onto your profiles, so they can be seen and shared with everyone on your network with little time involvement.
The next few pages will list information on how to display your listings on these sites, the initial time involvement is minimal and once done you will never have to manually update anything.

Step One
Acquiring your RSS feed. Chances are no matter which Commercial Real Estate brokerage you work at, your companies database puts out, or has the ability to put out, Property Listings via RSS feeds. For example, at Colliers we have feeds for our Market Reports, PodCasts, Exclusive Listings for each office as well as individual broker listings.
Ask your local Marketing Specialist, Graphic Designer or Research Department for it, if you have questions on this. Once you have the feed url you can start to get your listings showing in lots of different places.

Step Two ? Linkedin
I?ll begin with Linkedin.com as it is probably the most easiest to implement as well as the most used site for strickly professional networking. Once logged in you will select ?Edit My Profile? from the left hand sidebar. Next select ?Websites? and choose ?Edit?. While you can select up to three sites to enter, choose one of these to be ?My RSS Feed? and copy your Properties RSS feed to this. Click ?Save Changes?. Next, select ?Applications? from the left hand sidebar. Scroll down until you see an application called ?BlogLink?. This application will pull information from any of your website(s) feeds and display them on your profile. If you?re feed is working, you should immediately begin to see your listings displayed on your profile.

Note: If you have more than one website listed BlogLink will only display up to the four most recent posts, however it does have a scroll arrow users can use to click through your listings or posts.

Step Three ? Twitter, TwitterFeed & OpenID

If you have a Twiiter account, you will not need to do anything special from here. If you don?t have a Twitter account, it might be a good time to create one.

Once you have a Twitter account you will want to go to TwitterFeed.com and set up a RSS Feed that will post to your Twitter account automatically.

You will need to sign in with an OpenID. See below for explanation on what an OpenID is. Once you have logged into TwitterFeed, you can select ?View My Feeds? or ?Create New Feed?. The form here is pretty self explanatory, you paste your Properties RSS feed where it asks you as well as you can set the time to display updates. I?d recommend setting it to 5 hours. On the section where is says ?Include? I would recommend selecting ?Title & Description?.

You will need to ?Authorize? the application to access your Twitter account. It just involved clicking the Authorize link and signing into Twitter. Congratulations, within the next 5 hours you will start to see your Property listings displayed on your Twitter automatically.

Chances are you already have an OpenID, though if you do not, you can sign up for many free online services and use that as your login. For me, I have an account on Gmail as well as WordPress, so I use those to login.

Step Four ? Facebook
Once you login to Facebook, choose ?Home? and scroll tot he bottom of your page. A button on the lower left hand corner will say ?Applications? select this and choose ?Browse Applications?. Search for the Twitter app. (Note: this is different than Twitter Updater app). Or you can go directly to the applications page at http://apps.facebook.com/twitter/ to install it.

Once you have it installed, and have ?Authorized? the application your Facebook ?Status Updates? will display your Twitter posts, which should be including your Property feeds.

Step Five ? Other Sites

While other social sites include Myspace, Orkut, BeBo, Hi5 and Friendster ? the popularity and target audience are not necessarily the most beneficial for the Commercial Real Estate industry.

Therefore I have not taken the time to create a guide for them. That said, if you have an existing social network on any of t

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Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/internet-marketing-articles/viral-marketing-with-social-media-3759305.html

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Monday, July 30, 2012

e-Veritas ? Blog Archive ? Chad Blundy: Popular Hockey Coach ...

24647 Paul Lystiuk recently had the chance to sit down with Chad Blundy, Recreation & Intramurals Assitant.

After four very hardworking years with the RMCC Athletic Department, Chad Blundy is leaving his current position of Rec & IMs Assitant to pursue other life aspirations.? I have had the privledge to know Chad on both a personal and professional level throughout his duration here.? Having been involved with both the varsity hockey team and the intramural program, I know first hand the amount of dedication and commitment Chad puts into every challenge he takes on.? Chad has went above and beyond to improve both programs that he has been invovled with and the college is better off because of it.

I would be heavily criticizedand rightly so by some varsity athletes if I failed to mention Chad?s latest contribution to the Atheltic Program, #BlundyFit.? #BlundyFit is an off-season training plan that was intended for mainly for hockey players, however athletes from other team have since joined due to its gaining popularity.? This is a complete workout program, specifically designed for various? aspects of every sport, from conditioning, strength training and skill development.? Chad has also gone to the extent of filming specific or difficult exercises and posting them on the internet so athletes who may not be in Kingston during the summer may still participate in the program.

I?m sure that I am not alone when I say best wishes and good luck in whatever the future has in store you.

?e-Veritas: What was your background prior to coming to RMC?

Chad: Prior to coming to RMC I studied and played varsity hockey at McGill University for 5 years where I received a Bachelor?s Degree majoring in Kinesiology and minoring in Management. Following graduation I ventured down to Odessa, Texas and played professional hockey for the Odessa Jackalopes of the Central Hockey League. I always tell people that I was there just long enough for a burrito and a cerveza as I was only there for a couple of months before returning home to Oakville, Ontario and taking part in a number of different jobs that included being a strength and conditioning coach, a sports admin assistant, and selling Christmas trees. In 2007 I was given the opportunity to fill the position of Recreation and Fitness Coordinator at Sheridan College which gave me some excellent hands on experience that prepared me for the role of Recreation and Intramural Assistant at RMC when I was hired in 2008.

e-Veritas: What were your responsibilities as Assistant Rec & IM Manager?

Chad: My main duties as the Rec and IM Assistant consisted primarily of administering and overseeing the daily operations of the Intramural Sports program. This included booking facilities, managing equipment inventories, creating schedules, updating online and portal information, and mentoring OCdts in various positions such as the CWIMO, CSSOs, IM team captains, and referees. I was also very involved in helping to plan, organize, and execute the college?s two annual Sports Days, the Wing Harrier race, and various staff vs students sporting events. The Rec and IM Manager, Christine Powers-Tomsons, and I have worked very hard in the last few years to streamline a lot of the daily and weekly operations and procedures surrounding both Intramural and Recreation programs and activities. We have been fortunate enough to work with Sebastien Ival from College Information Systems and much of the information associated with Rec and IMs can now be found on RMCC?s portal. Registration, game results, and attendance reporting for IMs is also done using the portal, which has made things easier and more accurate, but it also added another aspect to my position as I was constantly monitoring and maintaining the data on it. I have also worked with a number of RMCC?s Rec clubs to try and secure them resources and facilities. For the past year I have acted as the Outdoors/Expedition Club admin supervisor and I have even stepped in to teach a variety of physical education classes from time to time.

e-Veritas: What were responsibilities as Assistant Coach to the Varsity Hockey Team?

Chad: I believe that it is the responsibility of any great assistant coach to be able to adapt to just about any situation that may come up and be ready to provide the head coach with feedback and advice whenever it is needed. I would like to think that this is a role that I filled with reasonable success. I wore many different hats in the 4 years that I worked with the hockey team. For my first 2 years I was asked to work specifically with the defensemen and the team?s penalty kill, and then for the last 2 years I have spent my time providing direction to the forwards and working primarily with the power play. Working in these capacities I was involved in helping with the growth of the individual skills of players as well as the development and implementation of team systems. Head Coach Adam Shell does a good job of using his entire support staff to help the hockey program run smoothly, allowing us to all feel a part of the team. Because of this, the other assistant coaches and I have often been called upon to do a variety of tasks such as design on-ice drills, run one-on-one video sessions, take specific statistics during games, and even perform curfew checks when on the road. I even sharpened the skates of some of the more superstitious players. I have also had the great pleasure of creating and directing the bulk of the team?s off-ice conditioning, which has given me an excellent opportunity to interact and establish some valuable relationships with many of the players; relationships that I am proud to have been able to create and turn into friendships now that I am moving on.

e-Veritas: What were you best experiences working with the cadets in the IM program?

Chad: That is actually a tough question as there have been so many great experiences that I have had over the last 4 years. I guess at the top of the list would have to be the opportunity to work with some highly motivated individuals within the cadet wing. We realize that the Intramural program has often received a bad reputation in the past as it is sometimes viewed as just one more ?mandatory? task that OCdts are required to perform. However, when given the chance to work with a CWIMO, CSSOs, or team captains who have an honest love of sport and who care about how the leagues and programs are run, it gives me energy and enthusiasm to stay on campus until IMs are done at 2300 hrs or later to make sure things run smoothly. I love it when OCdts come to us with new ideas as it shows that they are invested in what is happening at the college.

Beyond this, there are the 8 sports days and 4 Harrier Races where I have had the pleasure of working very closely with OCdts. These are massive events with many moving parts that require weeks and weeks to plan and organize, and then they are amazingly done and over with inside of 8 hours. Christine and I often get a lot of credit, but there is no way that these activities could be executed successfully without the hard work of OCdts.

I am also happy to have been around for the establishment of some new and exciting clubs such as scuba and skydiving, as well as the continued development of other clubs such as women?s rugby, triathlon, outdoors/expedition, swimming, and rowing. Over the past few years the Athletics Department has seen a dramatic increase in the number of activity requests being submitted by the rec clubs. This is a great sign that OCdts are immersing themselves in college life and pursuing interests that they feel passionately about.

e-Veritas: What are your best memories working with the Varsity Hockey team?

Chad: Like with the Rec and IM programs, I have a lot of fond memories about working with the hockey team. The first would be the opportunity that I had to work with OUA athletes and be part of a team. After spending the majority of my life being involved with sports teams in general and hockey specifically, it has been an honour to be a part of the program at RMCC, to grow and develop as a group, and to all work together towards a common goal. Maybe I am biased because I played ice hockey at the Canadian university level, but I have always maintained that CIS and OUA hockey is some of the most underrated elite level hockey in Canada (if not North America). Working with the team has taught me a lot about myself as a former hockey player, a coach, and as a person.

A couple of specific memories that I will always remember have to include defeating the University of Ottawa in overtime in 2008. I was acting as temporary head coach for the game as Adam was unfortunately called away for a family matter. The team had been on a bit of a losing streak and was suffering from some injuries. The boys held it together and showed a lot of character to score early into the extra period to win 8-7.

Another great memory was beating Western in a shootout in the last game before the Christmas break in 2010. We had actually lost a tough one 4-3 against Waterloo the night before in a game that we could and should have won. Coming into the game against Western the cards were stacked against us as we were fighting off the disappointment from the night before, we hadn?t had a single win yet that season, and Western has been ranked #1 in the Western Conference for as long as I can remember. Anyways, the lead changed hands a couple of times throughout the game and we had to score with less than 2 min to go in the third to send the game into overtime. We survived overtime and pushed it to a shootout where Andrew Flemming stopped all 3 shots and Alex Leclerc scored for us. I still remember the celebration? it was like we had just won the Stanley Cup.

One final memory that I will cherish going forward is the thought of being part of the return of the RMC-West point hockey game this past season. Even though the result wasn?t what we North of the Border had hoped for, the significance of re-establishing this historical hockey series will continue on long after Bill Oliver retires from E-Veritas (which could be another 50 years). I have had the good fortune of being involved with a number of notable points within the hockey history books: playing for McGill University, the oldest hockey team in the world; coaching in 4 Carr-Harris cups, the oldest hockey rivalry in the world; and now experiencing the RMC-West Point game, the oldest international hockey rivalry in the world. Every hockey player wants to feel like they are a part of something substantial, and thanks to RMC, I do.

e-Veritas: Final Thoughts?

Chad: I?d just like to take a moment to thank everyone that I have had the chance to work with, both staff and OCdts, throughout the last 4 years. Working at RMCC has been significant in my development, both professionally and personally, and it is because of this that my departure is very bitter-sweet. I have made some good acquaintances and even better friends. I am proud to have been associated with the Canadian Forces and to have been a part of sports teams representing both RMCC and CFB Kingston. Best of luck.


This entry was posted on Sunday, July 29th, 2012 at 10:48 pm and is filed under q. CMC Athletic Department. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

Source: http://everitas.rmcclub.ca/?p=82329

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Flooring companies San Ramon vital info to realize

Flooring companies San Ramon vital info to realize
by Gregory J Garver
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While the economic system has slowed since the economical down flip and brought about building to come to a whole halt and put builders out of business Danville has seen important increases in uptown building. This has been largely because of excessive tech jobs that have pulled skill from all over the globe of that many employees have moved to the outer edge of Lafayette. This influx of excessive paying work has increased customized constructing and apartment constructing as well. In some circumstances many employers are even providing careers with a spot to stay and a 10k transferring expense blank expense account for moving cost. This kind of influx of high paying jobs has increased the general development within the Pleasant hills area from construction jobs to home decor. These homes and residences are fully updated with wood floors. Corporations within the Danville area which has prompted a trickle impact helping the over all economy for the final area. I had an opportunity to take a look at a number of the homes that had been being restored and whereas I was there they had been laying new hardwood flooring. The company Fine Floorz from the city of Walnut Creek was setting the brand new floors in the lounge and laminate flooring within the bathroom and cooking area areas. The worker said that they'd been busy the last 2 years and went on to clarify the several types of flooring they were installing. Flooring comes in many alternative supplies and kinds, and each form of Flooring company Danville has a look that can change a house and provides it its own specific and authentic style. It is important to find flooring material that is similar to the age and elegance of your home or condo. Tiles are a sort of laborious flooring and can be found in a variety of pure and man-made resources. Ceramic tiles, mosaics, slate and marble are simply among the selections out there and each come with their very own pros and cons. The primary advantage of tiles is that they are extraordinarily hard and if well maintained will last a very lengthy time. As they're waterproof they're nicely suited to areas equivalent to bathrooms and utility rooms simple to wash and are additionally ultimate for kitchens. Nevertheless, tiles could be cold underfoot and may be slippery when wet so are not suited for older people or kids. If they have an intricate pattern they can be troublesome to fit in addition to being expensive and for ever fixed. They're additionally noisy and require different softer surfaces to reduce the amount of sounds in a home. Carpet installation Walnut Creek is a modern look that matches very properly with any home or office decor.Finding a small business to provide and install wood flooring is important, as cutting hardwood flooring calls for a number of time and difficult work. It is always needed that hardwood floor supplier be used for staining timber. The dark wood floors the specialist was installing was extraordinarily lovely so I decided to actually give the specialist a call to have them supply their flooring services for me seeing as they appeared so beautiful. Roughly speaking, few weeks afterward My girlfriend made the jump and had the flooring company at my wifes house. My wood floors came out gorgeous! I had a impressive encounter with Flooring company Pleasant hills and would recommend them to anybody searching a Floor contractor in Walnut Creek.

Refinishing hardwood floors Danville

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Gregory J Garver

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Flooring companies San Ramon vital info to realize

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Mindreading hormone? A better judge of character with nasal spray?

ScienceDaily (July 30, 2012) ? Ingesting the hormone oxytocin via nasal spray improves the ability to read people's facial expressions. These findings hold great promise for treatment of mental health disorders and drug addiction.

In other contexts, oxytocin is already well-known as the "bliss hormone." The hormone is secreted upon stimulation by touch and is known to result in a feeling of calm and physical relaxation. It is also used to induce labour in childbirth and as an aid for women experiencing difficulties in breastfeeding.

Oxytocin has also been referred to as a "mindreading" hormone. Recent research findings show that there may be some truth to these claims -- although the mindreading component may have a more down-to-earth explanation.

Angry people seemed angrier

As part of a research project carried out by Siri Leknes, a research fellow at the Department of Psychology at the University of Oslo, 40 healthy students were administered nasal spray containing a dose of either saltwater or oxytocin. They were subsequently shown photographs of faces displaying angry, happy or neutral expressions. Some of the photos showed individuals displaying more "hidden" emotional expressions which tend to be picked up at a more subconscious level.

"We found that oxytocin intensified test subjects' awareness of the emotions present in the photos. Faces expressing anger stood out as angrier and less happy, and correspondingly, faces expressing happiness were happier," explains Dr Leknes.

"We know that people express feelings in other ways than through facial expression alone, for example, by means of body language and vocalisation. We presume that our findings also apply for these modes of expression," she adds.

The study receives funding under the Research Council of Norway's Alcohol and Drug Research Programme (RUSMIDDEL).

Greatest effect on those who need it the most

There were two rounds to the experiment to ensure that all student subjects were tested using both salt water and oxytocin -- without letting them know which dose they would be receiving each time.

"It turns out that those with the lowest aptitude for judging emotional expression properly -- that is, those with the poorest scores during the saltwater round -- were the ones who showed the greatest improvement using oxytocin. This is really fascinating; the people who need it the most are thus the ones who get the most out of using the hormone," Dr Leknes points out.

Based on previous research along with her own findings, Dr Leknes believes in oxytocin's potential as a supplementary treatment for people suffering from mental health disorders or drug-dependency. In fact, nearly all mental health disorders involve a diminished ability to recognise the feelings of others. The same applies for drug abusers.

"Oxytocin will not be a cure-all for mental illness or drug addiction, but it may be of use as a supplementary treatment. It may make individuals better equipped to interpret the signals of others around them, which may improve how they function in social settings," Dr Leknes explains.

Testing for treatment of drug abuse up next

Oxytocin nasal spray is available via prescription and is relatively safe when used as directed. Side effects are extremely rare. According to Dr Leknes, doctors are already allowed to prescribe oxytocin for the treatment of various problems associated with social functionality such as autism.

"In such cases, however, it's a matter of isolated treatments which are not evaluated as a whole. It is important that we research this to gain greater insight into the effect," she points out.

Siri Leknes and her colleagues are now hoping to take their efforts a step further and examine how well oxytocin works as a supplementary treatment for drug abusers.

"If it turns out that our assumptions are correct, then we may be able to come up with a simple treatment that would mean a great deal for people who find it difficult to pick up on the social cues of their peers," says Dr Leknes.

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Story Source:

The above story is reprinted from materials provided by The Research Council of Norway. The original article was written by Elin Fugelsnes/Else Lie. Translation: Glenn Wells/Carol B. Eckmann.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.

Source: http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2012/07/120730094909.htm

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Sunday, July 29, 2012

Apple Buys AuthenTec for $356 Million

Apple celebrates the weekend by purchasing a fingerprint sensor company.

Earlier this week, Apple announced third quarter financial results that missed analyst expectations. Still it seems the company isn't letting something as small as that get in the way of things. On Friday it emerged that the Cupertino-based Apple had purchased fingerprint sensor company AuthenTec for over $350 million.

Business Week writes that AuthenTec is a network and mobile security company that makes fingerprint sensors. These sensors can then be used by corporations to secure access to their networks. With BYOD (bring your own device) becoming increasingly popular, such technology would be a valuable asset for Apple.?

Apple's plans to buy the company were revealed because of an 8-K filed by AuthenTec. This filing dates the deal as having taken place on Thursday, July 26. The cash deal is worth $8-per-share or $356 million. Reuters reports that Apple is paying a a 58 percent premium for the company. According to TheNextWeb, AuthenTec already has deals with Alcatel-Lucent, Cisco, Fujitsu, HBO, HP, Lenovo, LG, Motorola, Nokia, Orange, Samsung, Sky, and Texas Instruments.

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Layton Hower ? -error - adelinesuarez87's blog

Self Help is actually a movements containing grown quite a bit in current time. When self improvement is really a noble objective, the procedure of self improvement could be met with lots of roadblocks to an individual that lacks the correct expertise. This short article consists of numerous tips about self improvement and how to succeed in your own self help trip.

Figure out what you should do with yourself. This doesn?t mean that you need to chart your complete life in advance. Think about the up coming 5 years. Where by would you like to be? Precisely what does your life seem like? In the event you evaluate this perspective you may take away from each other the tiers and find out the most effective strategy to obtain exactly where you have to be.

Maintain your spontaneity in every conditions. If you find that there exists far too much stress and negativity in your own life, do what you could to discover the sense of humor inside the condition. Comedy can be a quick and effective way to minimize tension and dislodge concern. Giggle your issues aside.

Keep a diary of the feelings and moods and eventually you will see a style appear. Perhaps you get painfully timid at events or be sorry for stating sure to numerous pursuits. Knowing what your styles are you currently can mindfully commence to transform these to match a far healthier way of living of feelings and measures.

When researching in the classification personal growth, it is essential to keep beneficial and maintain your self esteem up very high. When taking care of your self, you may at times encounter obstructions that try and knock you lower. That is why you must remember to stay robust and keep the head up.

Develop strong and healthier partnerships with very good people. The folks that you just discuss your life with are going to aid you in your trip to some happy existence. Should you be all around unfavorable men and women, it is not necessarily proceeding to help you change your methods and look for the lifespan that you want to live.

Switching your rest routine can increase your life in wonderful methods. Quite often we are obtaining excessive sleep and many the day is squandered. If we can easily go to sleep previously we are able to usually awaken earlier. If we awaken previously that allows us to acquire more time for you to perform the points we like to do.

To be able to gain correct personal development you should make confident you take in and process the bulk of the info you just figured out. You not only want to make sure you remember anything you just discovered but you wish to also be sure you utilize your expertise appropriately, only then can you see real self improvement.

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Source: http://www.laytonhower.com/index.php/test/error-5/

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Source: http://adelinesuarez87.typepad.com/blog/2012/07/layton-hower-error.html

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Babies Toddler ? What Most Websites Are Badly Informed About ...

Most parents (especially new ones) believe that everything there is to know about raising kids is pretty self explanatory but there are some new skills that every parent needs to learn. This is because nobody is perfect and there have to be at least a couple of areas of weakness that you can improve upon. The world changes every moment; for example, most of today?s generations of parents didn?t grow up online but they still have to carefully monitor their kids use of the internet to see how the online world affects them. Let?s look at some important parenting skills that all parents should possess.

We all already know how important it is to praise children but be conscious of how you go about this. Some parents aren?t good at praising their kids enough and others praise their children but not in a way that is helpful to the child. For instance, it is better to praise a child for making a real effort at something than it is to praise them for something that is out of their control. Praising a child for something that is inherent like intelligence, athleticism or attractiveness could be counterproductive in that it could build up some vanity and arrogance. On the other hand, praising a child for working hard at sports or plays or homework is just encouragement to continue doing their best. Every parent worries about keeping his or her child safe but he or she must also realize that there is no way to watch that child every second of every day. That?s why its vital for you to give them the information they need
to get started as well as make sure that they know how to get to you or another adult who can help them if they need it. As soon you think your child will be able to retain the information take steps to make sure that she or he knows her or his full name, address and phone number. They should also know how to reach you at either home or work. You might think about providing a cell phone for emergencies only to your child so that he can call either you or 911 if he needs help. There are lots of cell phone carriers who have created plans just for these purposes. If there is a friend or relative who can get to your child faster than you could in an emergency make sure that your child understands how to reach that person.

Every parent has parenting styles that feel natural to them but sometimes those styles need to be modified especially if you tend to swing from extreme to extreme. Parents, for example, who are rigid and authoritarian are typically reflecting the style in which they were brought up. Today, though, kids need to be taught to think for themselves and if you are too strict this won?t happen, your kids will either be extremely docile or extremely rebellious. At the opposite end of the spectrum however there are problems too; kids who grow up in environments that are too permissive often lack boundaries and self discipline later on.

Science has shown that the most successful parenting style is something called ?authoritative parenting? which is kind of a compromise between permissive and authoritarian. Lots of parenting skills help your child develop properly and allow you to nip problems in the bud before they get out of control. There is an art to being a good parent and you will always have something to learn whether it is how to teach your children to be self reliant or proper discipline application or even ways to get involved at your child?s school.

Beside writing articles about Babies Toddler, Fredricka Conable also shares knowledge about didriksons kinderbekleidung? on her blogs. To find out more about kinderbekleidung xxl, visit www.kinderbekleidungde.com

Source: http://www.mylife-coach.net/5043/babies-toddler-what-most-websites-are-badly-informed-about-3/

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Saturday, July 28, 2012

Speck HandyShell (for iPad 2 and New iPad)

Despite its thin and light design, using the Apple iPad isn't always the most ergonomically sound affair. There are a number of stands and cases designed to address this issue, but the Speck HandyShell ($54.95 direct) is something of a combination of the two. Like most cases, it will add protection to your tablet, but the real killer feature here is the collapsible handle on the back, which acts as a versatile stand, handgrip, and hanging hook.?There are two separate products listed on Speck's site, one for the iPad 2 and one for the New iPad, but I tested the New iPad version and found the fit was perfect for both.?

The case itself is fairly standard, with a hard matte plastic back with a softer rubber outer ridge that allows the iPad to slip easily in and out of the case. There are cutouts for the headphone jack, camera, lock switch, speaker, and 30-pin port. There are built-in rubber buttons for Power and Volume, and all the ports are easily accessible. The outer edge wraps around the bezel, adding protection from light bumps for the iPad's screen. The HandyShell weighs 0.46 pounds and makes the iPad about an inch thick at its thickest point, so it's going to add some heft to the otherwise svelte tablet. Also, keep in mind that the HandyShell is not Smart Cover compatible. There are three color combos to choose from; black and grey, black and yellow, or pebble and lilac (gray and purple).?


That thickness accommodates the aforementioned handle, and given the usefulness of that addition, I'd say it's a worthwhile tradeoff. The rounded handle is about 5.5 inches long and 3 inches wide, with a rubberized finish that improves grip. There is a single hinge at the bottom that has a nice weight to it, allowing it to hold any angle under the weight of the iPad itself. The handle functions as a vertical and horizontal stand to prop your tablet up. It also serves as a hook for hanging the tablet up, which is useful for keeping the tablet in sight but off of potentially dirty surfaces?like while cooking. The handle also alleviates hand strain and fatigue from one-handed use, providing a secure grip and more even weight distribution. ??

All told, the Speck HandyShell is one of the simplest and most genuinely useful iPad cases I've tested. The closest competitor to come through our labs, in terms of function, is the Octa Vacuum Dock + WhaleTail ($49.95, 3.5 stars), which adds a comfortable handgrip and adjustable stand, but does not provide any protection and is a bit more awkward to take on the go. The HandyShell will add some bulk and it's a bit expensive at $55, but given the solid level of protection and extremely versatile handle, this is definitely one case worth checking out.?

More Cases & Carrying Gear Reviews:
??? Speck HandyShell (for iPad 2 and New iPad)
??? Chrome Citadel Laptop Bag
??? PowerSkin (for iPhone 4 and 4S)
??? Apple iPad Smart Case
??? Crumpler Nhill Heist Laptop Bag
?? more

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/ziffdavis/pcmag/~3/pfKnAzScid0/0,2817,2407669,00.asp

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Acquiring a List of Non Profit Organizations Productively | Maltrato ...

Most companies, who are operating to sell services or goods to non profit organizations, found out and verified that the technique of email marketing is a really great way to raise sales rating. It requires an excellent hand as well as mind to create effective promotional mails for marketing purposes. Definitely, you could do the writing yourself, or if perhaps you are very busy, you might just hire professional writers to make mails for your advertisement and marketing campaign. Once are all set, you can start sending e-mails to those people in your email list of non-profit organizations.? An appealing and informative email will definitely hook your prospects? attentions. Be exact, direct, professional as well as friendly in your message. You don?t have to create expensive, too-good-to-be-real e-mails, for in many instances, the recipient would often tag that type of mail as spam. Since you?re going to purchase your leads, make use of your list of non profit organizations wisely.? Re-compose your messages from time to time to avoid being designated as spammer by mailing sites.

List Of Non Profit OrganizationsMost of non-profit organizations today make use of the web to have interaction in their fellows as well as co-organizations. So then, they normally have email addresses that they?d check out every now and then. Getting an email list of non-profit organizations can help you achieve this wide target audience. By mailing electronic mails to these organizations, you?re informing them as to what your business can offer. E-mail ad or promotional campaigns are way cheaper as compared to some other platforms use to boost sales rating, and that is tested not simply by small-scale businesses but also by commercial businesses. Having a list of non profit organizations in your data base is the same as having fanatics for your specific product. Make use of your marketing skills so as to hook your prospects and observe your sales rate improves.

Companies like yours who?re offering products on which your target are non-profits groups as being your major buyers, then you need to be aware that a list of non-profit organizations is a must have thing that you should have in collection for your campaign plots. Phone numbers as well as e-mail addresses database are the typical listings which could be used for successful marketing or advertising campaigns. This email list of non profit organizations could be the very best key to achieve higher number of sales and obtain a lot of exposure into your targeted viewers. Compared to cold calling on which you have to spend more money for each and every marketing campaign, sending e-mails to your potential customers is really a far more convenient and cost effective way to hook up you their attentions. On cold calling you will have to invest lots for your lead?s listing, whilst the e-mail addresses lead?s price is relatively cheaper. Additionally, no doubt that mailing emails save you from paying too much on your phone bills.

Majority of non profit organizations today makes use of the web to have interaction in their fellows and co-organizations. So then, they most often have e-mail addresses that they?d check from time to time. Getting an email list of non-profit organizations could help you achieve this broad audience. By simply sending electronic mails to such organizations, you?re informing them about what your business could offer. E-mail ad or promotional campaigns are less expensive when compared with various other systems use to improve sales rating, and that?s proven not merely by small-scale companies but as well as by corporate businesses. Getting a list of non profit organizations in your data base is the same as getting fans for your specific product. Use your marketing secrets in order to hook your prospects and observe your sales rate increases.

So what do I have to do with the email list of non profit organizations? In the meantime, you might not appreciate the importance of such list. However in the future, the list of non profit organizations at hand can assist you transform some objectives into a reality. If perhaps you are a writer or an advocate of any specific idea, funding always is on top of your needs. Convincing anyone to have faith in your ability as well as your idea cannot be accomplished right away. As long as you have got a list of the non profit organizations which you could get in touch with, you could update the organizations daily of the things that you were able to complete and the activities which you have in your mind. Initially, these organizations might think that you?re merely someone who is attempting to gain something for yourself. In the coming months or days, your continuous communication with them will allow these organizations understand and believe in your ideas. It might appear impossible but it?s a way that the majority of successful advocates and writers have been using. Give an updated email list a go to personally experience what the list could do to you and your objectives.

Acquiring an up-to-date list of non profit organizations is truly tough. Since most individuals have become used to attaining things immediately, manually compiling a list of non profit organizations is certainly the very last option. It is advisable for everybody to understand that they can already have got an email list of non profit organizations. E-mail lists are something which individuals must not disregard and regard as spam. An e-mail list supplying the contacts and names of numerous non profit organizations is a simple way to get in contact with a non-profit organization. It is much less time consuming and economical in anybody who is interested in building an ongoing communication with the specific organization. Because there are many existing non profit organizations at this time, getting them on an email list is really a hassle-free way of selecting the best organization which matches a person?s need. As long as a web connection, a personal computer as well as an email address are on hand, business with non profit organizations is not a problem.

Filled under Uncategorized.

Source: http://maltratocero.com/acquiring-a-list-of-non-profit-organizations-productively/

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A Brief Overview of Surround Sound Systems - IdeaMarketers.com

With the current advances in technology, you can now bring the movie theatre experience right into your living room. More and more people are switching to home theatres because of its convenience and cost-effectiveness. Having a home theatre, however, can ruin the interiors of your room because of the wires and cables coming from the devices. With wireless sound equipment, you can prevent this problem and even enjoy high quality sound.

People who want a more vivid movie experience in their homes have created their own theatres, but these can be costly. Wireless surround sound systems, however, are comparatively economical. This type of speaker can be useful to those who often move speakers from different places. You do not have to worry whether the cable can reach a certain area or not.

Wireless sound systems are easy to install. Read the instruction manual and you can set up the system within an hour or less. Consumers nowadays can choose a wireless home entertainment system they prefer. Choose a device according to the size of your room to get the right sound level. You can adjust the setting of the speaker to obtain the intensity you want. It is easy to tune the settings of the speaker. This can give you a more pleasurable watching experience.

Wireless surround sound systems use radio frequency signals to transmit data wirelessly. A transmitter transfers signals wirelessly to a receiver installed in the TV screen. Many home theatre speakers can work at a range of 100 feet, but some outdoor speakers can provide greater range.

You can replace your wired speakers for a wireless sound system and still get the same quality of sound. With this kind of surround sound equipment, you do not have to worry about hiding wires and paying a specialist to install it. This can be a smart option for movie and music enthusiasts.

If you have a large home theatre room, you can install many surround sound systems to cover the whole area. You can set up each speaker in every corner of the room. You can mount the speaker, or place it on the floor, and other areas of the theatre room.

Consider the receiver of the surround sound equipment. The receiver is the device that links the entire component to produce high quality sound. Wireless sound speakers can create high quality sound similar to wired sound system models.

Some wireless sound systems, however, are not completely wireless. Some speakers are linked to the power source through wires. Back speakers are those that come wireless. You can plug the speaker to the wall or put it in any place that is convenient to you.

A good video projection with good sound systems can give you a similar movie theatre experience. Watch your favourite movies right in the comforts of your own home by buying a wireless surround sound system.

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Source: http://www.ideamarketers.com/?articleid=3431631

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Friday, July 27, 2012

Buy Cheap Cell Phones For Sale ? But Only If They Come With ...

With the reducing prices of cell phones and the increased requirement of mobile communications for a various range of individuals, low-cost cell telephones have develop into fairly common. Both it?s the mobile phone manufacturer offering them by slashing costs, or it is the storekeeper providing heavy reductions on previous phones. However, a mobile phone just isn?t full and cannot expertise optimum utilization unless and till it has some Att Caps Data particular accessories.

The cost of these accessories depends upon the brand and mannequin of cell that you have bought. For instance, the price of a particular manufacturers? headphone may be equal to the cost of the starter fashions of another phone manufacturer. Therefore, if you?re shopping for low cost cellphone from a sale, ensure that these equipment are a part of the deal:


When some music oriented cell phones first invaded the market, they did not provide headphones, but right this moment most cell phones supply the rudimentary and normal headphones as a package deal. Some mobile phone fashions and vendors also provide particular deals and discounts on different equipment like blue tooth earpiece, etc. Be sure to ask about these reductions while you?re at it. Therefore, just remember to test for them if you are shopping for an affordable phone.

Data Wire:

A knowledge wire could be fairly costly depending on the cellular model that you own. When the primary cellphones that could be synced with the computer had been launched, information wires were not offered in the package, however right now, with business telephones and multimedia telephones carving a niche for them in the mobile market, knowledge wires have turn out to be part and parcel of an entire phone package. Look for the data wire earlier than buying an inexpensive cellular phone for sale.

Cell Phone Pouch:

Although that is nonetheless one thing that?s offered on the excessive finish cell telephones just like the Blackberry, it never hurts to ask a supplier whether they can offer a pouch at a lesser price since you?re already buying a cellphone from them. While the pouch may seem a bizarre contraption once you first put on it, you will understand how useful it?s throughout the rainy season, or during these occasions whenever you can?t hold you mobile in your hand and yet wish to see that it?s safe. Cell phone pouches might be clung to a waist belt or even the insides of a trouser pocket, to make sure that the cell phone does not fall off or shouldn?t be stolen.

These are simply a few of the additional equipment which might be fairly essential for the cellular, and would value quite a bit for those who plan to purchase them later. However of course, crucial accessory is the Data Card, in terms of cellphones which help information cards and exterior memory. Whereas most mobiles have a 1 GB or 2 GB knowledge card accessible, check if you can get larger capability playing cards at a Att Caps Data decrease price.

Att Caps Data

Source: http://nassaupostal.net/buy-cheap-cell-phones-for-sale-but-only-if-they-come-with-these-accessories-att-caps-data.html

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Energetic Vinyasa Flow Yoga | Piedmont Sports & Recreation ...








Source: http://piedmont.patch.com/events/energetic-vinyasa-flow-yoga

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Blockbuster Acquires Retail Software Developer Business of Alpha ...

DISH Network News

Published: July 18, 2012

DISH Network Satellite TV
DENVER, CO?(Marketwire ? Jul 18, 2012) -
Blockbuster, a subsidiary of DISH Network Corporation (NASDAQ: DISH), today announced it has acquired the assets of retail software provider Alpha Bay Corporation. The terms of the deal were not disclosed.

Alpha Bay specializes in software and services that deliver cloud-based mobile point-of-service (POS), inventory management, customer loyalty and business intelligence capabilities to the retail industry. The company?s platform operates in real-time, giving retailers decision support at any point in the business cycle.

Blockbuster will be using the Alpha Bay platform to improve in-store customer service, enhance inventory management, and deliver innovative promotional programs to Blockbuster?s retail guests.

In addition to outfitting the nearly 900 Blockbuster stores nationwide, the newly acquired Alpha Bay business will continue to market its enterprise systems beyond Blockbuster?s retail operation.

?A key element of the Alpha Bay solution is mobile functionality that will allow Blockbuster?s in-store employees to move out from behind the counter,? said Jack Blount, chairman and founder of Alpha Bay. ?Mobile checkout combined with Blockbuster?s ability to deliver individualized promotions will revolutionize the company?s retail experience.?

?Alpha Bay promises flexible deployment and gives Blockbuster a new level of customer service and visibility at the store level and across the enterprise,? said Michael Kelly, president of Blockbuster. ?Plus, emphasis on in-store mobility gives Blockbuster and our partners the ability to deliver a powerful transactional experience to customers.?

Alpha Bay?s cloud-based approach gives customers a standards-based, real-time, mobile-commerce oriented retail-computing platform that offers a seamless, transparent upgrade path and the flexibility to integrate with legacy retail systems.

About Blockbuster
Blockbuster L.L.C. is a subsidiary of DISH Network Corporation (NASDAQ: DISH), leading the movie and game industry in digital and disc rentals and sales. Blockbuster provides convenient access to family entertainment through a variety of channels ? by mail via www.blockbuster.com, in almost 900 stores across the U.S., via digital movie downloads using a PC, Blu-ray player, connected TV or portable device, and via Blockbuster @Home through DISH Network ? making it easy and convenient to access family entertainment. Blockbuster offers games for all major gaming devices, including Nintendo DS, Nintendo 3DS, PS2, PS3, PSP, Wii, Xbox and Xbox 360. Focused on ease and convenience, it?s no wonder that Blockbuster serves millions of customers nationally and internationally. For more information please visit our website at www.blockbuster.com.

About Alpha Bay
Alpha Bay is a global technologies and services provider, delivering innovative C3 Customer Centric Computingsm and mobile solutions. The AIRS? suite of applications and services gives retailers real-time BI, perpetual inventory, mobile POS, personal kiosks, and is supported through a unique Hybrid ISsm platform that incorporates SaaS/Cloud infrastructure and service. To see how Alpha Bay?s C3 Customer Centric Computing can improve customer satisfaction and loyalty while saving you 50% in IT costs in 12 months. Alpha Bay is a leader in m-commerce solutions for retailers.

Source: http://abettersatellite.com/2012/07/26/blockbuster-acquires-retail-software-developer-business-of-alpha-bay/

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Thursday, July 26, 2012

Peep the 8th Annual Real-Time Communications Conference and ...

This September, you once again have an opportunity to hob nob and grease palms with the movers and shakers of the VoIP industry. The Illinois Institute of Technology is hosting the 8th annual Real-Time Communications Conference and Expo, and this year is sure to be by far the biggest yet. Boasting over 200 speakers, 50 sponsors, and several hundred paying attendees last year, the annual Conference and Expo is the perfect time and place to get informed and connected to both the business and academic sides of cutting-edge communications technology.

Covering an arc from VoIP to Video, Mobility to Websites, this conference has been a staple of the industry and has been expanding exponentially for the last couple of years. One distinct advantage for the conference this year is its location on the IIT?s main campus, right in downtown Chicago.

A tech campus par excellence, IIT Chicago is looking to position itself at the forefront of the new economy by making itself a leader in communications technology development and education. Early September is a beautiful time in the Great Lakes region. It will definitely lend its warm charm to such an auspicious event, and you?ll be able to take a dip in Lake Michigan if you have any time left over.

This is heavy duty stuff, and not worth missing if you consider yourself a ?VoIP-head?, if you have any interest in internet communications whatsoever, or even if you are just looking for an excuse to head out to lovely Chicago. High-level representatives from all the major players in mobile communications technology are expected to make appearances, and there will be hundreds of booths to pique your interest.

Last year?s keynote speaker was Martin Cooper, a developer and inventor of many of Motorola?s earliest cellular technologies. This year, look for something even more compelling. Henning Schulzrinne, Chief Technology Officer of the Federal Communications Commission, has already been confirmed as one of the initial keynotes, so you know there will need to be some heavyweights to trump that. For more information, check out the event website at http://www.rtc-conference.com/.

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Source: http://www.whichvoip.com/blog/peep-the-8th-annual-real-time-communications-conference-and-expo-this-september.html

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#001: Intro to Product Launch ? The Media Boss

In The Media Boss Podcast, we help you to succeed with your marketing and media efforts, and this show is for you! Whether you?re expert who?s been in the field for years ? or you haven?t even made your first move yet! We can all reach for higher levels of success in business and in life!

This Week?s Quick Tip:
  • Your logo is your fingerprint for your business: Highlights on several reasons why a logo is a good marketing tool for your business. You?ll find great tips if you?re planning to design or redesign your logo.
Feature Segment:

In today feature segment, I?m sharing with you couple of ideas and insights. Which may help you in launching or re-launching your product or service! Along with three steps, which are centered around product marketability, not product development.

  1. Research Your Market.
  2. Create, Market and Test Your Prototype.
  3. Bring Your Product To Market (aka Product Launch.)

Studying product launches failures can help to protect product developers and marketers from making the same mistakes, so I?ve highlighted one of the biggest product launch failures. Nevertheless, learning from other?s mistake ? mistakes even big companies make ? can help you avoid them.



Source: http://www.themediaboss.com/001/

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Colon Cancer | Recipe Health

Colon cancer is cancer that occurs in the colon, the lower digestive system. Rectal cancer is cancer found in a few inches at the end of the colon. Many cases of colon cancer begins with small size, lumps of cells called adenomatous polyps are benign. These polyps usually cause colon cancer.


Colon cancer has symptoms such as:
? Changes in bowel conditions, such as diarrhea or constipation or a change in bowel routines are not as usual
? there is bleeding in the rectum or blood in the stool
? Discomfort in the stomach area, such as cramps, bloating or pain
? Feeling of incomplete bowel movements when
? Weak
? Lost weight

Causes & Risk Factors
It is unclear what causes colon cancer. But doctors believe that colon cancer occurs when normal cells in the colon unchanged. Normal cells grow and divide to keep the body functioning normally. But sometimes it becomes abnormal growth ? cells continue dividing even when the body does not need a new cell.
In the colon and rectum, this exaggerated growth may cause pre-cancerous cells form in the digestive tract.

Pre-cancerous cell growth in colon
Colorectal cancer most commonly begins in the form of clumps of polyps in the colon tract. Polyps can be shaped like a mushroom. Polyps also can not stand out or hidden in the wall of the colon. Polyps of this type is more difficult to detect. Removal of both types of polyps before they become cancer earlier can help prevent colon cancer.

Inborn gene mutation that increases the risk of colon cancer
Inborn gene mutation that increases the risk of colon cancer can be inherited in families, but this is only a small fraction of colon cancer cause. Some colon cancer syndrome include:
? Familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP). FAP is a rare disease causes thousands of polyps in the colon and rectum channel. People who have FAP and untreated increases the risk of colon cancer before age 40.
? Hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer (HNPCC). HNPCC, also called Lynch syndrome increases the risk of colon cancer and cancers with HNPCC tend lain. Uman colon cancer before age 50 years.

Risk factors
Some factors that increase the risk of colon cancer include:
? Aged parents
? Having a personal note with colon cancer or polyps
? Have an inflammation of the digestive tract
? genetic syndromes that may increase the risk of colon cancer, familial adenomatous polyposis such as hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer and, which is also known as Lynch syndrome.
? Family history of colon cancer or polyps in the colon
? Eat foods high in fiber and low fat
? a passive lifestyle
? Diabetes
? Obesity
? Smoking
? Consuming alcohol
? Radiation therapy for cancer

To prevent basal cell carcinoma, you can take the following steps:
? Avoid the sun during the day
? Use sun protection (eg Anthelios SX)
? Wear clothing that protects the body from the sun
? Be wary of drugs that skin is more sensitive to sunlight. Ask your doctor about the side effects of drugs you use
? Perform a medical examination regularly skin.
? Consumption of adequate vitamin D
? Fruits and vegetables may reduce cancer risk

Source: Kompas.com

Tags body cancer Causes Risk Factors Diabetes doctor FAP HNPCC symptoms


Source: http://recipehealth.net/colon-cancer/

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Conn. governor commutes lobster's lunch sentence

STONINGTON, Conn. (AP) ? A 15-pound lobster facing a sentence of lunch has received a pardon from Connecticut's governor.

The Day of New London reports (http://bit.ly/M9EUM2 ) Gov. Dannel P. Malloy was visiting tourist attractions in southeastern Connecticut when he issued the impromptu pardon at Abbott's Lobster in the Rough restaurant in Noank.

The governor then released the crustacean into the Mystic River.

The move came a day after a Niantic man bought a 17-pound lobster at a Waterford restaurant and released it back into Long Island Sound.

Randy Fiveash, the state's tourism director, compared the governor's action to the president's annual pardon of a turkey on Thanksgiving.

Malloy has been visiting tourist spots across the state after launching a two-year, $27 million campaign earlier this year to promote the industry.


Information from: The Day, http://www.theday.com

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/conn-governor-commutes-lobsters-lunch-sentence-115448947.html

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Vantage FX Launches MetaTrader 5 for Live Trading | Business ...

Released on July 26th, 2012

SYDNEY, July 25, 2012 /PRNewswire-Asia/ ? Australian-based leading global Forex provider, Vantage FX has announced the launch of the long-awaited MetaTrader 5 (MT5) platform for live trading.

Well known for its non-dealing desk (STP) execution and extremely competitive spreads on MetaTrader 4, Vantage FX is the first, and only Australian regulated financial services firm offering the long-awaited, completely new MT5 trading software in the live trading environment.

Traders can trade 32 currency pairs with real-time, live pricing on Vantage FX?s MT5 platform with spreads starting from 0.5 pips and will benefit from direct access to increased liquidity from over 70+ banks and institutions.

The architecture of MetaTrader 5 sets it apart from other trading software, giving traders a new sense of reliability and performance. On the Vantage FX MT5 platform traders will have access to MT5?s advanced charting software, with a variety of different settings available, and more than 79 in-built analytical tools. MT5?s Strategy Tester is also a prominent feature on the platform, providing traders with the opportunity to optimise and perfect trading strategies in minutes.

?We anticipate trading groups world-wide to start making the most of the superior trading environment that MetaTrader 5 provides. Traders will have the added security by partnering with Vantage FX, as we are a highly regulated Australian financial services firm,? said Antony Goddard, Director of Vantage FX. ?Moreover, our strong focus on technology has firmly positioned Vantage FX as a leading global Forex provider with greater opportunities for both institutional and retail clients.?

The Vantage FX MT5 platform is available for download from www.vantagefx.com, with a free 30-day demo trial also available here.

For more information, please visit www.vantagefx.com or contact Vantage FX directly on +61-1300-945-517.

About Vantage FX

Vantage FX is an award winning Australian financial services firm providing online Forex trading capabilities to retail, high-net worth and institutional clients in Australia and the rest of the world.

Vantage FX is a Corporate Authorised Representative of Enfinium Pty Ltd (AFSL No. 322081), who acts as a licensee and outsource provider to oversee our compliance with Australian Financial Services Law and the requirements of holding segregated client funds at approved banks.

As a financial services provider, we are regulated by Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) under Australian law. Vantage FX is continually striving to provide a client-friendly, totally interactive Forex experience. As a team we always look to innovate and take advantage of the latest technology, the benefits of which we pass on to our clients. What set us apart from our competitors are our wide range of services and a superior level of customer support.

Source: http://asiarelease.asia/vantage-fx-launches-metatrader-5-for-live-trading/

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