Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Lily's Quilts: Board Game Recommendations please!

OK so I've started this slightly bizarre tradition of taking a trip down memory lane each year before our family holiday and remembering a game I used to play as a child with my sisters and finding it on eBay so I can play it on holiday with my kids. ?So far, we've played Pit, a card game where you trade commodities trying to avoid a bear market. ?Wow, that sounds a lot dorkier than the game actually is. ?In reality you end up completely hoarse from trying to out shout everyone else around the table. ?The game is a lot of fun, quite simple and a bit like a shouting version of Happy Families. ?This was a game my mum had remembered from her childhood and I remember playing it on the last day of the summer term one year with Jude, Ali and Pee (real name Louise, called Pee because you Pee in the loo) and being told off for being too loud.

The following year we played Contraband, where you try to smuggle goods through customs, lie about having the diplomatic bag and try to keep a straight face when you get the Ruritanian Crown Jewels. ?This game is all about having a good poker face so my oldest daughter excels here as she lies easily and with no compunction. ?My sisters and I used to play this in Granny Smith's loft room which I remember being a store room full of interesting things for us to poke around in.

Last year we got hold of an old copy of a childhood favourite of mine called Careers where you work your way around the board trying to score love, happiness and wealth in a variety of interesting careers like Prospecting for Uranium and Travelling to the Moon. ?Since this game involves very little skill and mostly luck, it's a great family game for all ages. ?And it doesn't last forever like Monopoly which has to be the most boring game ever invented because it goes on for so long. ?I used to play Careers for hours with my next door neighbour, Kate Harris, who was much cooler than us because she was the youngest of five kids, her parents worked full time so life at her house was pretty unsupervised and her Dad worked for a biscuit company so they had a whole room dedicated to biscuits. ?

So what I'm looking for is some kind of a family game - new or old - ideal for 2-6 players from aged 10 upwards. ?Not one that lasts six weeks like Monopoly and not one like bridge where, after a glass of wine, you don't stand a chance of remembering key information. ?Nor one like Mouse Trap that takes six weeks to build.

Source: http://lilysquilts.blogspot.com/2012/07/board-game-recommendations-please.html

2012 groundhog day groundhog phil pee wee herman ketamine tracy morgan ground hogs day 2012 goundhog day

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