Friday, August 31, 2012

Unsure robots make better teachers than know-alls

The best way to learn is to teach. Now a classroom robot that helps Japanese children learn English has put that old maxim to the test.

Shizuko Matsuzoe and Fumihide Tanaka at the University of Tsukuba, Japan, set up an experiment to find out how different levels of competence in a robot teacher affected children's success in learning English words for shapes.

They observed how 19 children aged between 4 and 8 interacted with a humanoid Nao robot in a learning game in which each child had to draw the shape that corresponded to an English word such as 'circle', 'square', 'crescent', or 'heart'.

The researchers operated the robot from a room next to the classroom so that it appeared weak and feeble, and the children were encouraged to take on the role of carers. The robot could then either act as an instructor, drawing the correct shape for the child, or make mistakes and act as if it didn't know the answer.

When the robot got a shape wrong, the child could teach the robot how to draw it correctly by guiding its hand. The robot then either "learned" the English word for that shape or continued to make mistakes.

Robot learner aids learning

Matsuzoe and Tanaka found that the children did best when the robot appeared to learn from them. This also made the children more likely to want to continue learning with the robot. The researchers will present their results at Ro-Man - an international symposium on robot and human interactive communication - in September.

"Anything that gets a person more actively engaged and motivated is going to be beneficial to the learning process," says Andrea Thomaz , director of the Socially Intelligent Machines lab at the Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta. "So needing to teach the robot is a great way of doing that."

The idea of students learning by teaching also agrees with a lot of research in human social learning, she says. The process of teaching a robot is akin to what happens in peer-to-peer learning, where students teach each other or work in groups to learn concepts ? common activities in most classrooms.

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