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Health liquor Limited drink started from refuse!

Health from refused liquor Limited drink ?!January 15th in new network a liquor is China drinking characteristic knowledge female proportion rises the article points out ?:our country drinking is characteristic of alcoholic drink ,drink more, while the rest of the world wine drink height ratio will be less overall it is men drink more than women ,<a href="/" target="_blank">Louboutin Pas cher</a>,drink less ,but now in the city of knowledge women drink proportion rising.
China is a wine producing country,Christian <a href="/" target="_blank">Louboutin Outlet</a>, 2005 wine beverage total output is more than 3800 tons of beer ,4 consecutive years ranked first in the world . At present ,Chinese wine people close to 200000000 people ,I was a volunteer of the Olympic Games,plus the general drinkers ,Christian Louboutin Outlet,drinking more than 500000000 .
Wine is a double-edged sword ,a small amount of wine is the friends of health ,large quantities of wine is the arch-criminal ?!For our drinking characteristics of liquor ,liquor very much, I think the main reason is that China history ,diet ,climate characteristics different from the western some countries decided ,as Beijing Erguotou Hengshui Laobaigan 56 degrees ,67 degrees,Louboutin Pas cher, is close to the medical alcohol ( 75 degrees) have a strong regional .
In Russian men average than female short 13 years ,one of the main reasons is the Russia Men like to drink high spirits. In some western countries such as French mostly consumption of low alcohol wine, and the amount is not large also ,this and their eating habits have a great relationship .
Because the French had a small consumption of low alcohol wine habits so French cardio-cerebral vascular disease incidence rate is relatively low .As for now city of knowledge and the increasing proportion of women drink ,Christian Louboutin Shoes,I think one is due to &quot ?;drown our sorrows &quot ?;thought plays a role ,because now the social competition more and more intense ,the pressure is also growing ,and that women can not find the listener ,only by drinking to release pressure ?;a with the living conditions improved, some people mistake &quot ?;the pub ,lustrous and dazzling night life as &quot ?;&quot ?;&quot ,petty bourgeoisie ?;blind pursuit of fashion trend ,but greatly hurt their body ?;in addition to a variety of social entertainment also make more and more intellectual women have to fall has the Chinese characteristic culture of wine &quot ?;&quot ?;,Christian Louboutin Outlet,these reasons are intellectual women drinking increased the proportion of the direct reason .
As the saying goes ?:during the festive season ?!It is a year Spring Festival is approaching ,in outside Go hard year friends mostly have started preparations for home affairs ,no matter how far away the Spring Festival will come home have a look ?!In our life there are two things that cannot wait ?: the first is cruel, we Chinese people by filial piety is famous throughout the world .
The so-called wishes, son to support while parents ?!Often wait until you have time to have the condition to filial devotion ,have lost objects ,in order to not let his life spent in regret ,so cruel to early .
Second things are against disease. Because the disease is from scratch, from light to heavy ,Mindy Quah to give super cooling, but also good! (,from the general to the fatal. As we all know ,the disease is preventable ,but once the disease is not curable .
1999 years in Atlanta in November ,<a href="/" target="_blank">louboutin</a>,at the seventy-second meeting of the American Heart Association annual meeting, 30000 delegates from all over the world to attend,louboutin pas cher,<a href="/" target="_blank">Christian Louboutin Outlet</a>, received the paper of 13509 ,but truly memorable is the president of the General Assembly word ,he said ?:the patients ill and then find the doctor ,the doctor can give the patient help has been very limited ?!We think is it right? This truth ,and the sooner the better prevention effect .
And our life, the pity ,but no way to change is our life Only once ,we have no past ,no future ,we can only be grasped only this life, the only thing we can do is to start early preventive care ,louboutin,let end of life again later .
Don the end of life coming to know when I should have care ,it is too late! From ancient to modern times ,everyone is eager to happiness ,health ,longevity ,especially in today society ,with the material and the improvement of living conditions, life for us is no longer a simple survival ,people look forward to have the high quality of healthy life ,let the life be light of heart from care as possible extension .
Desire is good ,but the reality is cruel .Our country has a strange phenomenon ?:the children youth disease ,<a href="/" target="_blank">Christian Louboutin Outlet</a>,young to middle-aged disease ,middle-aged to elderly patients, many people and health failed to arm ,and long pass.
That is to say in advance of disease, premature death became a kind of fashion ,a trend, many of us are like fashion chase after tide ,08 years of car price order price changes,but I advise you don catch the life and fashion trend! Our life may have many unfair ,but in health are all equal ,no matter You are the senior government officials ,billionaire ,or civilians ,in front of ,health ,wealth ,power status be of no avail ,only comply with objective law of wise man to life! The Spring Festival ,relatives and friends to avoid drinking party .
&quot ?;do not become banquet without wine & quot ?;with Chinese characteristics is the wine culture about drinking .There is long history in our country . From &quot ?;how dispel melancholy ,but Neo ?!&quot ?;&quot ?;just do what you want ,don it happen &quot ?;these lines can be seen through the ages ,in our country, whether &quot or &quot ?;&quot ?;care ?;joy &quot ?;are inseparable from the wine ?!According to statistics ,China has about five hundred million families about drinking ,alcohol accounted for 40% of the total population ,in which men and women drinking rates were 84.
1% and 29.3% ,and the daily fixed drinking the ratio of women to men is respectively 16.1% and 2.5%. drink can ease affection ,the drink will be killed ?!In China die each year from simple alcohol poisoning (does not include people who died of complications ) about a million people ,because of alcohol induced mental disorder patients ratio accounted for 6% of the total population ,the 2000 health information indicating ,alcoholic liver disease accounted for 4.
34% ,of which only 0.94% alcoholic fatty liver ,alcoholic Hepatitis 1.51% ,alcoholic cirrhosis accounted for 0.68%. after drinking 70% by gastric absorption ,the rest of the intestinal absorption ,2-5 minutes into the blood ,the 30-90 reached the peak after ingestion of ethanol .
Have more than 95% of the liver metabolism in liver cells ?:wine and microsomal enzyme system of being dehydrogenation oxidation into acetaldehyde, acetaldehyde again by oxidative dehydrogenation into acetic acid ,carbon dioxide ,<a href="/" target="_blank">Louboutin Shoes</a>,water and heat is generated .
Acetaldehyde has severe liver toxicity ,it can make the liver cell membrane lipid peroxidation damage of liver cells ,microtubule structures ,<a href="/" target="_blank">Christian Louboutin Shoes</a>,reduction of microtubule function ,damage to mitochondria ,make liver stromal hyperplasia of fibrous tissue ,and can cause inflammatory cells in liver infiltration of acetic acid in vivo toxicity of ethanol was 10 times ,and is considered to be closely related to liver toxicity .
Alcohol on the stomach and liver damage ,liver cirrhosis ,malnutrition and so on. If daily drinking Chang Chao had 150 grams of pure alcohol (approximately 50 degrees of liquor 300 grams ,or 15 degrees wine 1000 grams ,or 5 degree of beer 3000 grams ) will produce chronic alcoholism is very harmful to our health .
While we are blood ethanol concentration reached 500 mg / l can produce euphoria ,many phenomena ?;when the blood alcohol concentration from 500 mg / L to 800 mg / Rise ,Louboutin shoes,gradually turning to restrain excited ?;when the blood ethanol concentration reached 1500 mg / L for excessive alcohol consumption ,it reached 3000 mg / l could cause significant impairment of consciousness ,and death.
While female drinkers easily lead to abortion in the United States ,the Federal Ministry of health reproductive epidemiologic researchers recently published report ,louboutin,pregnant women prone to bouts of drinking ,abortion caused by cardiovascular and cerebrovascular patients died in two of three coherent ,one of them is ?:satiety ,louboutin pas cher,alcoholism ,excited ,<a href="/" target="_blank">christian louboutin outlet</a>!Can make the atherogenic lipid plaque rupture ,the inside of the lipid content ,Louboutin Shoes,gathered a large number of platelets ( like the road after the collision ,the surrounding onlookers ,the road congestion ,in ) a few minutes to tens of minutes ,to 2mm3.
5 mm coronary artery most clogged or completely blocked ,thus the occurrence of acute myocardial infarction and sudden death ?!Excessive drinking is not only on the physical cause great harm ,but also lead to a high divorce rate ,violent crime rate ,high traffic accident rate of important reasons.
According to reports ?:arrested criminals in 50% ,died from a traffic accident in 40% ,25% of inpatients were associated with alcoholism . In order to people the Ministry of Health issued the Chinese residents at the time the index finger South ( 2007) to the people with the most basic ,accurate health dietary information ,guidance of rational nutrition ,keep healthy.
guide by the general population dietary guidelines ,specific dietary guidelines and the balance diet pagoda is composed of three parts .The general population dietary guidelines for a total of 10 ,at 6 years old of above normal the crowd.
This article ten is: 1 the food diversity, cereal-based, with a thickness of 2 eat more fruits and vegetables and potato 3 every day to eat milk ,soy or its products 4 often eat proper amounts of fish ,poultry ,eggs and lean meat 5 reduce the amount of cooking oil ,eat light food not excess dietary salt 6 ,exercise every day ,keep healthy weight assigned to a reasonable 7 meals ,<a href="/" target="_blank">Louboutin</a>,snacks to appropriate 8 drink enough water every day, a reasonable choice of drinks such as alcohol consumption should be limited to 10 9 fresh eating health food compared with the 97 version added new &quot ?;assigned to reasonable meals ,snacks to the appropriate &quot ?;and &quot ?;drink enough water every day,Christian Louboutin Outlet, a reasonable choice of beverage &quot ?;two entries ,the drinking water ,snacks and beverages and health are closely related to the content of the meal was introduced into China ,the connotation is more rich and comprehensive.
In &quot ?;such as alcohol should be limited in &quot ?;content of clear &quot Recommendations for adult males ?;one day drinking wine alcohol content of no more than 25g ,Louboutin,the adult female day drinking wine alcohol content of no more than 15g.
&quot ?;some health experts ?:do not exceed 10ML every day drinking liquor ,wine does not exceed 100ML ,beer not more than 300ML so as not to our physical harm, but the degree of the more
wine according to the United States of America low ?!Life-insurance company statistics: a small amount of alcohol for 1 years ,<a href="/" target="_blank">Louboutin shoes</a>,whereas alcohol lost 6 years ,<a href="/" target="_blank">louboutin pas cher</a>!For our own health and well-being
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