Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Working From Home - The Latest Options | Making Money From Home

While these ideas are not necessarily new, the ways in which they are being performed have changed dramatically over the last couple of years. As consumers grow savvier, products and services need to continually improve and the businesses involved need to employ new ideas and strategies to stay ahead of the curve. So here we go, my favourite three ways to get started working from home.

Number 1: Network Marketing

Network marketing is one of those terms people either love or hate (and due to some horror stories in the past, mostly the latter). Otherwise known as multi-level-marketing (which it seems people don?t like using these days due to the negative connotations), network marketing involves moving a product through a network of people collecting commissions off one?s down-line. It?s important to step away from any old preconceived ideas of what this business model is you may have however. It has stepped into the light in a big way in the 21st century, and old images of people stockpiling water filters in their garages, chasing up their friends about their ?new business opportunity? and hosting ?business meetings? in their lounge rooms are no longer relevant. Modern network marketing involves sophisticated online lead generation, automated marketing funnels, and utilizes an informed and professional sales network to move products that are generally too specialist or high end to be moved through traditional retail chains. Legitimate network marketing companies generally offer a product or service that is of a higher quality than what people can find in their supermarkets and shops, which requires knowledgeable sales people and strong interpersonal relationships. Aligning yourself with the right company in a growing sector can see you build a sizable distributorship which over the years can provide a solid residual income, allowing you to spend your time on other things you?d love to do, besides working. I particularly like this business model because I like to be paid several times over for one unit of work, just like royalties.

Number 2: Blogging For Dollars

We see them everywhere, and it seems we know someone who has one. What am I talking about? Blogs! Seriously though, can someone actually create an income source from writing about a particular topic? With patience and discipline it?s entirely possible. Where most people go wrong is they start out writing about a topic they are actually not interested in, just because they think it?s popular and will make money. This is a sure fire way to become impatient and bored with what you are doing. Picking a hot topic and throwing up a bunch of articles overnight with some advertising links just won?t cut it. Your blog needs to have a unique voice? your voice.

So write about something you are truly passionate about. An original and unique blog in which readers can see the blogger has a deep understanding and passion about their topic will gain a much stronger audience and authoritative stance online. People will actually link to your blog because it?s obvious you actually know what you are on about. Once you have built up a small base of followers you can then think about monetizing your website (getting paid to blog). Google AdSense is the most foolproof and generally in most scenarios the highest returning ad platform to run on a website, especially a blog(due to its simple integration with many blog platforms like WordPress). Your unique and authoritative blog will begin receiving traffic and a percentage of it will inevitably click through on some of your ad links, creating a nice revenue stream. Hit it big with a popular blog and those clicks can add up to hundreds and even thousands of dollars a day. Not bad for a couple of hours a week writing about something you love. Beyond AdSense there are numerous other ways to monetize a blog and here are a short few in point form:

  • Display related affiliate offers throughout your posts in which you receive a commission as a result of any sales that happen as a result of people buying from your recommendation/link.
  • Build a mailing list in which you can then send other related offers down the track.
  • Once you blog is sizable, sell advertising space or editorials.

Building a blog with a good readership and steady stream of traffic is something that won?t pay off immediately, but your ROI will continue to increase per unit of time spent the longer you spend with it. This will continue to the point where you are getting paid many many times over for just a small amount of work from home per week creating unique original content. This happens almost to the point of a walk away home based income, although some may say that once you reach that point of success it?s not quite as set and forget as an existing MLM distributorship (assuming their company continues to stay in business, which many don?t).

Number 3: Online Product/Information Creation

Potentially the most difficult, but also brings the greatest potential payoff. Coming up with an original online product seems like a daunting task, but the workload and skills required are often a lot less than you may think at first. Your original info product or service may even be something as simple as an eBook about how to do something in particular. People have made millions of dollars online and continue to do so with online product creation. Creating a simple physical product and then using the internet as your main sales avenue is also another way to look at this opportunity. Just like with blog writing, there would be a field in which you could be regarded as an expert. It is best to go about creating your product in this field. Here are some simple examples of products where people have created a business out of thin air, making many times their return on investment and carving out a very decent ongoing revenue stream.

  • A product teaching your bird to talk.
  • Product teaching your cat to use the toilet instead of kitty litter.
  • Simple online applications to automate daily rituals people do on their computers (programming can be outsourced very cheaply often for $10 and under an hour)
  • Simple websites that fill basic existing voids (think about how simple a site like twitter is, but look at their massive success)

I hope this has given you some fresh insight into some pre-existing ideas to work from home. Where there is a will there is a way, and as someone who has worked at home for themselves online since high school and throughout university with these exact business models, I know that it is possible for you to do it too. All you need to do is take a first step, stick with it and keep learning. Don?t move onto one thing from another, get one idea working before you move ahead and be willing to make some mistakes along the way. In time it all becomes easier and the window of possibility continues to widen. Good Luck!

Sarah Elson is the writer of, a web page dedicated to Australian Mums wanting to work from home. She has a amount of tips and articles on working at home and how to effectively run a home based business, having herself walked down that very same road. She is now passionate about helping other individuals do the same without of falling into the many associated pitfalls and helping others discover work at home opportunities that suit their own goals and life-style.


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